Explore all our Streamlined subjects


Go Explore all the different Cells

Yeasts, protozoa, bacteria, cell walls, shapes, functions, cell soup consistency, triggering to stimulus, coloration. Is nucleus always in the middle of the cell? Do you have mites in your bed?

All these and more, soon on Indiegogo.

10+ years old


Garden your Environment to perfection

  1. Design your own Vertical Garden
  2. Learn to make biodegradable pots
  3. Learn how to care for the plants you are growing: seeding time, temperature, humidity, watering, and much more!

All ages


Dig deep into Paleontology

Become a Paleontologist by digging up your own surprised fossil.

  1. Video demonstrations developed by Paleontologists. Real techniques used in the field.
  2. Dig up fossil bones.
  3. Fill up the excavation sheet.
  4. Answer questions to make you think about the bones as you find them. Learn Anatomy and develop critical thinking.
  5. Once you discover your fossil, see videos of how your animal lived.

6+ years old


Electricity & Electronics is not magic

You will make hundreds of experiments from the basics, understanding electricity and how it works, to progressively make your way into electronic circuits. By the end, you will be able to:

  1. Understand how electricity works,
  2. Understand how basic electronic components affects the electricity in the circuit, and how to use them,
  3. Design your own circuits and projects.

10+ years old

My courses

Explore the courses


Microscopy 1

  1. Learn how to use the microscope
  2. Learn to prepare basic samples
  3. Learn to stain samples

This course is associated with the kit Microscopy 1 (sold out). But you can start the course for free even if you don’t have your kit yet.

A new generation to learn Microbiology is coming soon to Indiegogo. Stay tune!

10+ years old


Electricity & electronics

  1. Understand what is electricity, electrostatics and the movement of electric charges.
  2. Learn what are Voltage, Current and Resistance. Ohm’s law.
  3. Build and design your own circuits.

This course is associated with the kit Electricity 1. But you can start the course for free even if you don’t have your kit yet. You just need balloons and a few everyday objects to do the firsts experiments.

10+ years old


Vertical Garden

Learn to care for your plants and gardening by growing your own vertical garden.

This course is associated with the kit vertical garden. But you can start the course for free even if you don’t have your kit yet.

All ages



This course is associated with the kit Fossils.

You will dig a surprise fossil by following guided video demonstrations developed by Peleontologists. Questions to make you think about the bones as you find them to learn Anatomy and develop critical thinking.

6+ years old

Explore all our competitions

STEM vocations association


STEM League

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 h 58 min



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 h 58 min



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 h 58 min



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

2 h 58 min


STEM League

A competition where high-school classes develop a STEM project by teams following the scientific method.

It was temporarily suspended during the pandemic. We hope it will resume in the school year 2023-2024. Looking for funds since it’s completely free for participants.




A very fun workshop where everything will become electrostatically charged. Be ready for some sparks!

Participants will understand how electrical charges work by doing fun experiments with everyday objects (balloons, plastics, cans, tubes…) and parts of their bodies (hair and skin). During the experiments we will challenge them to think about what is happening and aim that they reach the conclusions on their own.

The goal is to develop analytical skills, critical thinking and learn how electricity works.

All ages



Our most successful workshop. Some children have repeated 3 times!

It’s that fun. You become a Palaeontologist by digging up your own surprise fossil.

We show you the techniques to dig efficiently. With questions and challenges to make you think on what you are doing.

And, you take home our fossils kit! To continue learning with the guided course.

6+ years old


Learn to use the microscope

A workshop filled with discovery.

First you will see how a microscope works for yourself, identifying it’s parts and how it relates to things you are more familiar with like a camera or your eyes. You will observe several prepared sample to get comfortable using the different parts of the microscope and at the end we will prepare our own samples.

Be ready for the micro world!

8+ years old

What is ROcTAR?


Access to information

Passive teaching

Access to information

Passive teaching


Active Learning

Active Learning

Optimizing learning through blended physical and digital experiences

It’s not about teaching.
It’s about LEARNING.

3D methodology - HOW IT WORKS

Our 3D learning methodology is developed with the goal of streamlining your learning experience. Forget about sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher giving a lecture. Welcome to the 3 dimensional learning environment.

1D emonstrations

Remember, you are the protagonist. It’s all about you learning, not about us teaching you. So, you see what you have to do and you get out of the screen to do it in real life.

2D iscovery and active learning

One of the keys to learn is interest. We pay close attention to keeping things interesting and just aiding you in your learning experience. The idea is that you want to do things yourself and learn by doing (DIY).

3D eduction and critical thinking

Challenges that make you think and reason about what you just did. And both during after doing the experiment we make you think on what you are doing, guiding you to develop critical thinking and analytical skill. Because we don’t want you to memorize for the sake of it. We strive for you to reach your own conclusions, and above all to develop skills.

1D emonstrations

Remember, you are the protagonist. It’s all about you learning, not about us teaching you. So, you see what you have to do and you get out of the screen to do it in real life.

2D iscovery and active learning

One of the keys to learn is interest. We pay close attention to keeping things interesting and just aiding you in your learning experience. The idea is that you want to do things yourself and learn by doing (DIY).

3D eduction and critical thinking

Challenges that make you think and reason about what you just did. And both during after doing the experiment we make you think on what you are doing, guiding you to develop critical thinking and analytical skill. Because we don’t want you to memorize for the sake of it. We strive for you to reach your own conclusions, and above all to develop skills.


in Numbers

Year Founded

Discover the results on your own

Schedule reviews to foster long-term retention

Reaching your own conclusions by following a deduction process

Share your progress and help each other

And much more!

Available on the web platform with video demonstrations to learn and enjoy

Courses designed by engineers, paleontologists and professors

Available on the web platform in 4 languages and increasing

High quality professional materials with 5 years of warranty


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