Science League


It is the best way of learning how to do science or a technical project.

Step by step they cover all the stages of the investigation of project.

It is the perfect complement for teachers of STEM subjects at secondary school and baccalaureate levels.

It is a team competition to increase the motivation and fun and so that skills such as team work and public speaking are developed.

The entire class takes part so that all the students have the chance to have a first-hand experience of what the work of a scientist, researcher, technician, engineer or mathematician involves.

Fair and equal opportunities are our initial premise and as such participation is completely free.


1. Development of ideas

Each team proposes project ideas related to the content of the subject and the resources available and they select the best which will be validated by the teacher.

2. Planning

Before carrying this out, the teams have to plan the process to follow and the materials to use. They are also asked to provide the bibliography used.

3. Execution

This is the development stage and here the team should take note of the observations on the platform before being able to pass onto the next phase.

4. Analysis and conclusions

With the analysis of the observations and conclusions, the team completes the report.

5. Competition

Once completed, the projects pass to the competition phase. Each team will be able to compete in their category: First Category (1st and 2nd years of ESO compulsory secondary education), Second Category (3rd and 4th years of ESO compulsory secondary education) and Third Category (baccalaureate students).


Leer bases de la competición


Guided Learning

Through the platform the team is guided step-by-step through all the stages that make up an investigation or project.

Do you want to see it instead of just imagining it?

Access the student demo account

Educational Material

Examples are offered at each stage so that key concepts can be understood as well as the way of completing the stage.

Moreover, a Project Bank is offered where students and teachers can consult the projects from previous editions.

Access the Project Bank

Monitoring and Evaluation

The teacher has access to a platform that is dedicated to monitoring the teams’ progress, to defining the projects and sending their evaluation at each phase, among other aspects.

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Participación totalmente gratuita.
Participación mínima una clase. Participar en más de una categoría es opcional.